Wednesday, January 31, 2018

When you can't stand any more of Maxine the Racist, come back and listen to real black people talk truth

"President Trump promised to encourage us with a message that would help build a safe, strong and prosperous America. He delivered! During this speech, he praised our flag, patriotism and religious liberty. This is a message for all Americans, and it instills pride in each of us. The message of the night was good news for every American, and provides reasons why we must live and work together to keep our nation prosperous and strong." – Emery McClendon, Project 21 member and a Tea Party movement organizer who won Americans for Prosperity's "Activist of the Year" award.

"Whether you love him or hate him, President Donald Trump deserves to celebrate – brag, if you will – about his administration's accomplishments. Yet, when the President brought attention to black unemployment being at historic lows, members of the Congressional Black Caucus remained seated with angry faces – without even a hint or gesture of acknowledging such wonderful news. One would think they would applaud the fact that many of their constituents are now gainfully employed. It shows just how ineffective black congressional leadership is on the left, and drives home the point that President Trump didn't have to meet with the CBC in order to do for its constituents what the CBC members themselves were repeatedly unable to accomplish." – Derryck Green, Ph.D. , Project 21 member with a doctorate in theology and spiritual leadership.

"President Trump's State of the Union address tonight showed a president transitioning into the role of Commander-in-Chief. The country is currently very divided, and this speech went a long way in trying to repair that divide. I congratulate President Trump for a well-written and well-delivered speech." –Christopher Arps, Project 21 member, a principal with Red Tail Strategies and co-founder of the black social network

"President Trump wasn't just presidential tonight. He highlighted the accomplishments of his first year while calling attention to our desperate need for bipartisan legislation to solve systemic problems facing the nation. At crucial moments, however, liberals failed to rise to the occasion – often withholding their applause or approval. Why wouldn't liberals cheer on the lowest black unemployment rate in 17 years? Or the President's resolve to eradicate the scourge of MS-13 killing innocent Americans?" – Stacy Washington, co-chairman of Project 21, a syndicated talk radio host on the American Family Radio and Urban Family Talk networks and a U.S. Air Force veteran. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018