Thursday, October 10, 2019

This article paints me as "gullible" and a sucker because I believe Saint Greta. Ha, they'll be sorry when their house is washed away by ocean waves!

Idiotic Environmental Predictions

Authored by Walter Williams, op-ed via,

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has published a new paper, "Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions." Keep in mind that many of the grossly wrong environmentalist predictions were made by respected scientists and government officials.

My question for you is: If you were around at the time, how many government restrictions and taxes would you have urged to avoid the predicted calamity?

As reported in The New York Times (Aug. 1969) Stanford University biologist Dr. Paul Erhlich warned: "The trouble with almost all environmental problems is that by the time we have enough evidence to convince people, you're dead. We must realize that unless we're extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years."

In 2000, Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at University of East Anglia's climate research unit, predicted that in a few years winter snowfall would become "a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren't going to know what snow is."

In 2004, the U.S. Pentagon warned President George W. Bush that major European cities would be beneath rising seas. Britain will be plunged into a Siberian climate by 2020.

In 2008, Al Gore predicted that the polar ice cap would be gone in a mere 10 years. A U.S. Department of Energy study led by the U.S. Navy predicted the Arctic Ocean would experience an ice-free summer by 2016.

In May 2014, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declared during a joint appearance with Secretary of State John Kerry that "we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos."

Peter Gunter, professor at North Texas State University, predicted in the spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness: "Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions.... By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine."

Ecologist Kenneth Watt's 1970 prediction was, "If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000." He added, "This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age."

Mark J. Perry, scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan's Flint campus, cites 18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of first Earth Day in 1970. This time it's not about weather.

Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated that humanity would run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold and silver would be gone before 1990. Kenneth Watt said, "By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate ... that there won't be any more crude oil."

There were grossly wild predictions well before the first Earth Day, too.

In 1939, the U.S. Department of the Interior predicted that American oil supplies would last for only another 13 years. In 1949, the secretary of the interior said the end of U.S. oil supplies was in sight. Having learned nothing from its earlier erroneous energy claims, in 1974, the U.S. Geological Survey said that the U.S. had only a 10-year supply of natural gas. However, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated that as of Jan. 1, 2017, there were about 2,459 trillion cubic feet of dry natural gas in the United States. That's enough to last us for nearly a century. The United States is the largest producer of natural gas worldwide.

Today's wild predictions about climate doom are likely to be just as true as yesteryear's. The major difference is today's Americans are far more gullible and more likely to spend trillions fighting global warming. And the only result is that we'll be much poorer and less free.


Friday, September 27, 2019

They are probably joking, but I might vote to give this a trial

Senate To Be Replaced With Room Full Of Monkeys Throwing Feces

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an emergency, overnight referendum, the American people voted on Thursday to replace the United States Senate with a room full of monkeys throwing feces. The measure passed with 57% of the vote. 22% of voters thought the Senate should be replaced by barking seals, while 17% voted that the replacement should be the pit of venomous snakes from Indiana Jones. 3.97% voted that Senate members be replaced by screaming goats. "About 100 people" voted for the current Senators to keep their jobs, with this tiny voting bloc centered in Washington, D.C.

Highland Ape Rescue out of West Virginia will be teaming up with Cornwell Primate farms to supply hundreds of monkeys and apes to the Senate. The animals will be fed a nutritious mixture of foods that produce easily throwable feces. Protective glass will be put up around the Senate for camera crews to safely film, but anyone being interviewed by the new senators will have to sit in the middle of the poo-flinging octagon, coming under a heavy barrage of projectile excrement.

"It will be a huge improvement from how things were before," said ape trainer, Marlena Henwick. "No more 10-12 hour hearings. With these monkeys, all the fecal projectiles will have been flung in under 30 minutes. One and done."

The recently replaced senators will be placed on display at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. for families to observe and zoologists to study.

If you value The Babylon Bee and want to see us prevail against Snopes and anyone else who might seek to discredit or deplatform us, please consider becoming a subscriber. Your support really will make a difference.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Teenager Charged For Domestic Tomato Assault | The Smoking Gun
Five thoughts...
1) I deny this woman is a "teenager"
2) I suspect a truly smart shrink could interview this woman and find mental illness back to diaper days
3) Years of drugs, legal or illegal, bought or snitched (or given by shrinks) are in the picture
4) A moral religious background is not
5) She didn't post $18,000 bond (an enabler did)

Teenager Charged For Domestic Tomato Assault

SEPTEMBER 23--A Florida Woman who "wanted to eat more than her fair share of tomatoes at the dinner table" is facing criminal charges after allegedly assaulting elderly relatives who thwarted her grubby vegetable gambit, records show.

Katie Jade Gates, 19, allegedly became incensed when she was denied additional tomatoes during supper on September 12 at her family's home in Callahan, a town 20 miles north of Jacksonville.

Gates's grandmother told police that the teenager "began to throw a fit because she couldn't have more tomatoes at the dinner table." Gates allegedly threw a water bottle at her grandfather and a pack of cigarettes at a 73-year-old female relative (who was struck in the eye by the airborne tobacco). 

When confronted about her behavior by her grandfather, Gates allegedly grabbed a knife and began threatening him with it. "Motherfucker, I'll stab you in your fucking face," she said, according to a Nassau County Sheriff's Office report. Gates, witnesses told cops, chased her grandfather with the knife and poked the weapon at his face.

During police questioning, Gates reportedly admitted hitting her relative in the face with the cigarette pack. She also acknowledged picking up a knife and approaching her grandfather, but denied "attempting to strike him with the knife in her hand during the argument."

Gates was arrested and charged with two felonies, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated battery on a victim over the age of 65. She bonded out of jail after posting $18,000 bond.

A judge has ordered Gates to have no contact with the victims. She is scheduled for an October 3 court appearance. (2 pages)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

There are no words

NYT: 'Poop Shame Is Real — and It Disproportionately Affects Women'
Sep. 18th, 2019

What we have here is yet another example of the Times confusing the neurotic behavior of she-babies with an oppressive patriarchy.

The article opens with these three anecdotes, all of which should be filed under First World Problems of the Emotionally Unstable:

There once was a woman who walked regularly from her office in Midtown Manhattan to a hotel across the street in order to use the restroom, and that woman may have been one of us.

That woman had a friend, at another office job, who carried a book of matches and a can of air freshener in her purse — more willing to set off the office fire alarm than leave any hint of odor in a public lavatory.

That friend had another friend, at another office job, who repeatedly forced her body to do the deed so quickly — racing from cubicle to bathroom and back, in an effort to deflect attention from what she might be doing in there — that it led to a semi-serious hemorrhoid problem.

And rather than explain just how great of a country we must live in where a once-prestigious newspaper has the luxury to dwell on such things; rather than use these anecdotes as a cautionary tale so that your daughter does not grow up to be like any one of these three manic bimbos, we are informed that the real problem is *sigh* men:

Poop shame is real — and it disproportionately affects women, who suffer from higher rates of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. In other words, the patriarchy has seeped into women's intestinal tracts. Let's call it the pootriarchy.

Girls aren't born with poo shame — it's something they're taught.

The "pootriarchy," y'all.

That got past an editor.

About halfway through, I got the sense that this was less of a ridiculous social justice piece — that not one word would need to change to score bigtime at the Onion — and more of a fetish piece disguised as social justice. No joke, the two so-called reporters at work here, Jessica Bennett and Amanda McCall, are seriously into their dookie.

Backing up my "fetish" theory is the illustration that comes with the article. We see four bathroom stalls. In the first stall, there are two women in there doing heaven knows what. (Must women do everything in pairs?) In the next stall there's a guy facing the back wall. The third stall is empty. In the fourth stall, a woman is seated on the toilet with her shoes off, which begs the question…


I'm telling ya', this is a fetish piece. There's no other explanation. To inform the piece, they even sent out a survey about "fecal habits at work," which sounds an awful lot like that section of the porn store that tells you it's time to turn around.

More evidence of is this is that the entire story is premised on the fake news that men are not at all embarrassed to stink up a bathroom or let one rip. Hey, I've been married 30 years and am still so mortified I blame it on the dog.  At home or abroad, I know of no male over the age of 11 who is not embarrassed by their own stink clouds. I know a guy so embarrassed that whenever he stays with family, he uses a gas station restroom.

"Going out for coffee!'

"There's coffee right here!"

"Be back in thirty!"

"Why does he need a magazine to get coffee?"

But because the Times exists in a vacuum-sealed world filled with neurotic she-babies who believe that anything that makes them even a little uncomfortable is someone else's fault, is a social problem that must be solved, is the fault of the patriarchy,  and cannot have anything to do with the complexities of the human condition… We get crap journalism like this.

To me, articles like these are just one more reminder of how glorious life is in this country, of just how much peace and unprecedented prosperity we enjoy. There are so few problems in America, the Times has the luxury of assigning two reporters to the dookie patrol.

God, I love this country.

 Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

I sometimes see stories I don't believe and then I see stories I don't WANT to believe

Fake buyers raiding medicine cabinets at open houses to steal opioids from home sellers
Aug. 26th, 2019

People are sneaking into open houses under realtors' noses and stealing home sellers' prescription opioids.

As the flood of opioids into vulnerable communities has grown, realtors have had to be on guard to prevent drug theft while hosting open houses, and to educate home sellers about their roles in prevention, including hiding their medications in the same way they would firearms.

Realtor associations across the country have taken on the unlikely role, in league with law enforcement and healthcare professionals, in working to prevent the spread of opioid abuse.

"We're seeing more of it, I think, and I'll speak from a Pennsylvania and a local level," Bill McFalls, Jr., president of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors told the Washington Examiner. "I have seen it firsthand in a family. We do mail outs, seminars, to make [PAR members] aware of what's happening out there. It's occurring, and we go to great lengths to instruct members how to prevent against it."

Members are told to ID people arriving to open houses, as well as to keep a close watch on people in the homes, sometimes sending more than one agent to monitor the crowds.

The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors are advising not only their members, but also their sellers, about the problem and how to safeguard their medications during open houses.

McFalls said his association tells sellers that hiding pill bottles is not enough. Sellers are advised to lock their medications in a safe. The Delaware County Heroin Task Force is working with the national opioid abuse prevention group Lock Your Meds to encourage people nationwide that locking up opioids is a near fool-proof way to safeguard their medications.

Anjanette Frye, president of Ohio Realtors told the Washington Examiner her association is partnering with the Ohio Opioid Education Alliance.

Realtors encourage sellers to keep drugs away from rogue "buyers" by putting extra pills sellers will not need into bags provided by the realtor "that dissolve the drugs when they come in contact with water," Frye said. For example if a seller is prescribed a 30-day supply but they feel better after 15 days, they can put their pills in this bag, add water, and the pills' chemicals break down and the pills disintegrate. The process has "been pretty successful," Frye said.

"We've been working with the alliance since last year and will continue to work into 2020 and years to come," she said. "Ohio has a huge opioid crisis. This is part of the community building process."

Frye added that measures Ohio Realtors have taken alongside the Ohio Opioid Education Alliance have led to a noticeable decrease in reported instances of theft.

Realtors themselves have not been immune to the urge to raid medicine cabinets

"About three years ago we found that a former agent was stealing things in open houses," Eric Winklhofer, president of the Buffalo Niagara Association of Realtors, told the Washington Examiner. "She was actually arrested."

Saturday, August 24, 2019

El Paso Walmart

The audio is Spanish, so I can't be sure but it appears to be a woman shoplifter who has been asked to empty her pockets.

This could be a "that's impossible" act on America's Got Talent.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The best part of my day is checking the Babylon Bee😊

Six-Year-Old Saying, 'Why Don't We Just Give Everything Away For Free?' Surges To Top Of Democratic Polls

U.S.—A new candidate has come out of nowhere to surge in the polls in the Democratic primary, and she's only six years old. Susie Peters of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was on a local news segment where children gave their opinions on world problems, and she asked, "Why can't we just give everyone everything they want for free?" The message quickly went viral and really resonated with Democratic voters, propelling Susie from unknown to third in most polls, ahead of Bernie Sanders and just behind Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

"She really has a plan for everything," said Melinda Carlson, one of Susie's enthusiastic supporters. "While Elizabeth Warren only has a plan for getting people free health care and free college, Susie has a plan to get everyone free everything. She's truly a visionary."

Her new candidacy has upset some of the other candidates, with Bernie Sanders accusing Susie of stealing all his ideas. Others say the math in her plans doesn't add up, to which Susie says she doesn't like math and instead likes "Twilight Sparkle." And President Trump has taken notice, vowing to trounce Susie in the general since Trump himself can "read and write at the level of an eight-year-old." There are also concerns Susie may be gaffe-prone like Joe Biden, as one day at school Susie referred to her teacher as "Mommy" by mistake, prompting a round of laughter from her classmates.

Still, Susie has unveiled her new popular campaign slogan, "But I want it!" and has already qualified for the next Democratic presidential debate, though she may not be able to attend since it will be on past her bedtime.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Folks, the Babylon Bee is hilarious. Subscribe before the stop-free-speech Troika (Twitter, Facebook, Google) ban it

Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she'd pay for all the social programs she's proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

"Aieeee! It burns ussss!" Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those "dreadful things" before and wasn't aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

As socialism has become increasingly popular, we've been seeing more and more of this," said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. "Often it's a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It's not pretty what happens when the two collide."

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she'll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she's headed for our nation's Capitol, a place that's traditionally been a safe space from economics and math.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Babylon Bee satire

Democrats Propose Creation Of National Trump Voter Registry

Democrats Propose Creation Of National Trump Voter Registry

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congressional Democrats recently noticed a problem in our nation: many of the people who voted for Donald Trump have yet to be beaten up.

Our Democratic leaders in Washington decided it was time to solve this problem because they are really good at identifying problems we didn't even know we had and then solving them.

Presidential candidate Joaquin Castro, who spearheaded the program, explained, "The solution is simple and cost-effective: a national Trump Voter Registry, forcing anyone who voted for Trump to register so people around them will be able to be cautious and vigilant while living among such reckless hate."

Anyone who voted for Trump will have to sign up on the national registry's website. Then, their name and address will automatically appear on a map of the country so that their neighbors can avoid them and hopefully beat them up.

The bill also contains many other requirements for Trump voters:

  • They cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, park, or civilized Democrat.
  • They must knock on all doors of other people in their neighborhood when they move in and identify themselves as a Trump voter.
  • They are required to wear their MAGA hats at all times so they can easily be identified as a legitimate target of harassment.
  • They must hire a crier to go before them and shout "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!" whenever they go outside.
  • They are not allowed to get a job or conduct commerce unless they agree to get the Mark of Obama on their hand and forehead.

"With this new registry, we can finally have healing in our nation," said Nancy Pelosi. "Especially Trump voters. They'll have to have a lot of healing after they get punched in the face."

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

See... I told you to stay out of bars

Patron Urinated Into Nightclub's Ice Maker

AUGUST 5--A nightclub patron relieved himself into a commercial ice maker early Saturday, according to Florida police who arrested the intoxicated urinator for disorderly conduct.

Investigators say that Michael Williams, 28, was spotted "urinating inside the ice chest used to distribute ice throughout" 260 First, a St. Petersburg nightspot.

After relieving himself around 2:30 AM, Williams reportedly resisted as security guards sought to boot him from the club, where a "First Friday" party was winding down. The bash was advertised as "Trendy with a touch of class" and featured two DJs, including Spindiana Jones.

When police arrived at the nightspot, they arrested Williams on a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. After a pat down turned up a bag of marijuana in Williams's pants pocket, cops tacked on a misdemeanor possession charge.

Seen above, Williams was booked into the county jail, from which he was released late Saturday morning after posting $400 bond.

Williams's rap sheet includes a felony marijuana conviction for which he was sentenced to 18 months probation. (1 page)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Here is a bit of rebuttal to the "Greenland is lost" demo-scare going around (focus on 12,500 years to lose HALF the ice)

Greenland Endures

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

Charles the Moderator has been doing a fantastic job of keeping WUWT humming along, and deserves everyone's thanks. Today he sent me an interesting article thinking I might want to comment on it. It has the usual kind of alarmist headline, viz:

Greenland lost 11 billion tons of surface ice in one day


Now, I've gotta admit that that sounds like a lot of ice, eleven billion with a "b" tonnes melted in one single day. However, I'm a tropical boy, so I'm kinda prejudiced in these matters. Here's my conflict of interest statement. When I'm in a place where the ice jumps up out of my adult beverage and starts running around the landscape, I consider that to be "water behaving badly" whether it's one cube or eleven billion tonnes, and I try to avoid such locations … but I digress.

To return to the question, is eleven billion tons of ice really a big number or not?

Well, to start with, it's a one-day loss in the warmest part of the year. Snow builds up on the ice sheet in the winter, and melts, sublimates, and is lost in icebergs in the summer. So this one-day loss tells us very little about the longer-term changes, what is called the "mass balance" of an ice sheet over an entire year or a longer period.

So what is happening in the longer term? A source for some information on this question is the Polar Portal. There's a good article to start with, the annual report for 2018. (It also has an interesting article on the various phenomena involved in the mass balance here.)

Let me start with a look at the mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet since 1972. Here's that data.

Figure 1. Annual mass balance showing the gain or loss of the total mass of the Greenland ice sheet.

From that data, we find that the 1981 – 2010 thirty-year average mass balance for the Greenland ice sheet was a net loss of 103 billion tonnes. Again, this is a very large number, it seems like a big deal that would demand our attention … but is it really?

In order to ask the question "How big is 103 billion tonnes?", we have to ask a related question:

"Compared to what?"

In this case, the answer is, "Compared to the total amount of ice on Greenland".

Here's one way of looking at that. We can ask, IF Greenland were to continue losing ice mass at a rate of 103 billion tonnes per year, how long would it take to melt say half of the ice sheet? Not all of it, mind you, but half of it. (Note that I am NOT saying that extending a current trend is a way to estimate the future evolution of the ice sheet—I'm merely using it as a way to compare large numbers.)

To answer our question if 103 billion tonnes lost per year is a big number, we have to compare the annual ice mass loss to the amount of ice in the Greenland ice sheet. The Greenland ice sheet contains about 2.6E+15 (2,600,000,000,000,000) tonnes of water in the form of snow and ice. 

So IF the Greenland ice sheet were to lose 103 billion tonnes per year into the indefinite future, it would take about twelve thousand five hundred years to lose half of it …

And even if the loss were to jump to ten times the long-term average, it would still take twelve hundred years to melt half the ice on the Greenland ice sheet. Even my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren won't live long enough to see that.

However … there has been no big trend in mass losses in Greenland. As you can see in the graph above, it went down starting in 1980 but has generally risen since about 2010 … go figure.

Let me close with another way to visualize the mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet using two graphs. The first graph shows the cumulative loss over the forty-six year period of the record. This is how it would commonly be shown.

Figure 2. Cumulative mass balance showing the cumulative gain or loss of the total mass of the Greenland ice sheet.

It's shown that way because, well, it looks pretty scary. It looks like the ice sheet is about to disappear.

By contrast, here's a more honest way to display the loss, by showing not the annual or cumulative anomalies, but instead showing the changes in the total mass of the Greenland ice sheet:

Figure 3. Changes in the total mass of the Greenland ice sheet.

Not as scary, huh?

As a result, I'd say that there's no need to worry about Greenland at this time. As Sanjeev Sabhlok recently wrote in a most reasonable article in the Times of India:

The best policy today is to (a) abandon socialism (Why does IPCC not talk about this ideology which is causing mankind the most harm?), and (b) to do everything possible to maximize the wealth of the current generations. Then review the [climate and energy] situation in 2050 when more data and new technologies become available. 

In the meanwhile, there's no harm in installing as many nuclear plants as are viable and growing more trees. And we can keep researching alternative energy technologies. However, interventions to divert precious resources into uneconomic solar and wind energy are the surest way to harm future generations. 

The climate change alarm movement is driven by extremist socialists. Ultra-socialist Saikat Chakrabarti, who prepared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, exposed the underbelly of climate change alarmism when he confessed that "The Green New Deal wasn't originally a climate thing at all. We think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing". The CO2 panic is a socialist harangue dressed in a veil of bad science. 

Can't say fairer than that …

Best to everyone, I've got to go outside now and get some work done ..


PS. H/T Mona~ctm


Friday, August 2, 2019

Fun Friday

WORLD—Climate experts have solemnly warned that we only have twelve years left until they change the dates on global warming again.

"If we don't take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn't ended and come up with a new number," one UN scientist warned. "This is a very serious threat, and we urge everyone to hand control of the economy to the government immediately before we have no more time left to change the timeline again."

The scientific consensus is that roughly 10-12 years from now, the world will be flooded with new doomsday predictions. This can all be avoided if we overhaul the economy and become socialists, according to non-political, unbiased sciencey type guys.

"Should we not change our ways, our old predictions will melt, dangerously raising the chance of us having to move the goalposts again," said Al Gore. "Do you really want me to write another book, film another movie, and go on another tour in my private jet just because you dingbats couldn't be bothered to alter your lifestyles? I don't think so. Let's all get on board with this 12-year figure, or we'll have to push back the date again."

Hilarious full story here at the Babylon Bee

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Someone sent me this cartoon joke

As a libertarian who is uncomfortable with the idea of forcing anyone to do anything, I can't imagine dragging even one of my nutty liberal-leftist friends to a vet for a procedure that the thought of makes me squirm.

However, I also wonder if the endless transgender screamers are doing it to themselves. Are they voluntarily removing their genes from the pool? Or is incurable leftism a viral thing?

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Dimocrats say this is another racist action by Trump

Taco Bell Faces Tortilla Crunch
By Aaron Back

It wasn't clear what caused Taco Bell's tortilla shortage. Unlike in "Idiocracy," it is unlikely that source crops are being watered with sports drinks. Photo: soe zeya tun/Reuters

In the low-IQ dystopian future depicted in the 2006 film "Idiocracy," the U.S. faces crop failures and a chronic shortage of what fictional President Comancho describes as "burrito coverings."

Creator Mike Judge has commented on some apparent similarities between our time and the world predicted by the movie, but even he might be struck by this summer's tortilla shortage at Taco Bell.

Outlets in various markets around the country are running short of the Mexican flatbread, several local and national media outlets have reported. Even for a fast-food chain famous for its large and varied menu, the loss of such a key ingredient hits hard as everything from burritos to quesadillas is affected.

It wasn't clear what caused the shortage. Unlike in "Idiocracy," it is unlikely that source crops are being watered with sports drinks.

In a statement, the company said it is working to address the shortages and encouraged customers to try other menu items such as the Power Menu Bowl or Cheesy Gordita Crunch. Taco shells made of Dorito chip material are also available. But if your favorite comes wrapped in a tortilla, you may be out of luck.