Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cryptography or learning how to make sure the "man" doesn't know how to track every movement I make

A note from Rex: when I started understanding the "man" now knows how close I physically stand to any other human being, I started worrying. What if the "man" also knows every single word I say to any other human being? It is bad enough that the "man" knows every single word I write to any other human, but EVERY WORD I SAY? The sum total is that the "man" ultimately knows every single THOUGHT I have. The "man" (Big Brother to you history students) is darn close to being able to attack me because I privately dislike any particular person, group, or organization. For instance, I don't like Black Lives Matter. I think they are simply out to grab power. They are bogus. However, I can't say that to another human without being attacked and canceled by the mob. In other words, the mob wants to control what I think and I am not having it. Screw the mob.

I have decided to pay more attention to cryptography. I want to get my privacy back. It has been said that if any of us learns just a little about cryptography, it becomes easier and easier. Petty soon, they say, you can spend money without tracking. You can meet someone without being tracked. You can write something without the "man" looking over your shoulder. You can even have private thoughts and, wonderful idea, not be told what you can think next.

The below 5 minute read may provide a starting point.

How Cryptography Has Revolutionized Revolution
By FMPadmin6120 on June 15, 2020

I am no fan of violent revolution, yet I have to admit that John Kennedy had a point when he said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." The forces that drive revolutions push themselves to the surface one way or another. If they can find a peaceful path, they transform the world slowly and beneficially. If they are repressed, violence occurs sooner or later.

The old regime, however, never gives up power willingly. It makes no difference whether the regime is a monarchy, democracy, theocracy, republic or whatever. Once entrenched, power-holders fight to the last gasp. This is not a function of the system; it is a function of power itself, and the humans who become addicted to it. And so we've seen a long succession of violent revolutions.

The good news of our time – the transformative news of our time – is this: Cryptography displaces violence. However much cryptography we use, real change will require that much less violence. And there is a very good reason for this: Cryptography is impervious to weapons.

Cryptography, after all, is simply math, and you can't put a bullet through a math problem. Well-applied cryptography, then, is immune to the usual applications of power. And so, whatever we cloak in cryptography can push through barriers erected by old, grasping regimes. And the barriers crypto blows through are precisely those involving violence.

And please consider the awesome power of cryptography. In a very common application, it is roughly 2 to the 100th power times harder to decrypt a message than it is to encrypt it, unless you have the key.

In other words, to blow through cryptography, you have to guess the correct answer among 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 choices. That's 31 digits of power. This isn't just theoretical; it's the kind of encryption we've been using in everyday life for many years.

The universe, as Julian Assange noted, favors encryption.

Where Cryptography Is Already Displacing Violence
Please understand that without strong cryptography (for which you can thank the early cypherpunks), the world of 1984 would already be here. I'll save the details for another time, but I can't bypass the point itself. Surveillance is the crack cocaine of the powerful, and political systems have done little to restrain it. But encryption has.

Right now we can cloak all our communications in cryptography. Further, we can (using a variety of related techniques) make them anonymous. That blinds the regime to a great many things, leaving them unable to target and justify their violence.

The great fear related to this is reactionary: "Bad people will use it to destroy us!" But that dear reader… and please excuse my language… is unadulterated bullshit. It is fear porn. It is imaginary. Here's why:

We've had powerful encryption since about 1992, and since that time, violent crime has declined. More than that, the dreaded "terrorism" has not risen. (Details here.) And the one blinding terror event of our time – 9/11 – was accomplished, not with strong encryption, but with text messages.

And so the downside of cryptography is minuscule while the upside is nothing less than the progress of the human species. Easy choice.

Crypto involves far more than communication, of course, it also involves money. Bitcoin began as a nothing out of a dark corner in 2009, but has refused to die, no matter how much propaganda (and worse) has been thrown at it. And it survives for good reason: You can't put a bullet through a math problem. (The Bitcoin saga is far more complex, of course, but this will suffice for now.)

Even if Bitcoin were undermined in some way, the concept of cryptographic money would remain, and other models of digital cash are waiting to fill any gap. This genie is out of the bottle; even if somehow slowed, it won't fit back inside: Far too many people know that it works.

As one small example, consider: Without Bitcoin, where would Wikileaks have been? Undoubtedly they would have resorted to a variety of funding methods, all less than pristine, which would have involved violence somewhere along the line. But by using Bitcoin – a cryptocurrency – purely peaceful people were able to fund the peaceful Wikileaks by purely peaceful means.

The regime ultimately caged Assange, but Wikleaks and the Wikileaks concept stand. And please understand that their model is the only one still holding power to account.

Planet Crypto
Consider a world in which no one can force you to do anything thing you don't want to do. Not shouldn't force you, but can't force you. Consider a world that is geared for the golden rule. A world that has no gearing for violence… that has no handles for power to grab.

That's the world cryptography gives us. And however well and broadly we implement cryptography, that's how much of that golden-rule, forceless realm is open to us.

Call that a dream world if you like, but it's a world built out of math. And you still can't put a bullet through a math problem.


Paul Rosenberg


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

I'm not a conspriacy theory type, but these questions shold be asked at a public inquiry

Isn't it Odd

According to the store clerks, George Floyd attempted to make a purchase with a fake $20 bill and the clerk refused the money.

Isn't it odd that Floyd left without incident but decided to hang out in front of the store, just standing around?

Isn't it odd the clerk notified the police who happened to be nearby and rushed over, over a fake $20 bill?

Isn't it odd to their good fortune to find Floyd still standing there? Isn't that what most people do after being caught with a counterfeit bill? Just walk outside and stand there?

Isn't it odd that Chauvin and Floyd used to work security at the same location and may have known each other?

Isn't it odd that the cop allowed himself to be videoed while choking out Floyd, handcuffed on the ground pleading for his life?

Isn't it odd that THREE cops had to sit on him while handcuffed?

Isn't it odd that they didn't just put him in the back seat of the cop car which is usual procedure? They were literally standing right next to the door.

Isn't it odd that a man who couldn't get air was able to yell out repeatedly for several minutes and didn't seem to struggle to live? He knew he was on video, why didn't he beg those people standing around to help him? He just laid there and passively "died?"

Isn't it odd that all the officers knew they were being videoed yet they just stood there and let people do it?

Isn't it odd the video is everywhere and so easily accessible when other videos of MURDER are removed or censored?

Isn't it odd that most of Chauvin's weight is on his right knee, the one on the ground, not the left knee on George's neck?

Isn't it odd the paramedics arrived on scene, approached so nonchalantly, then placed Floyd into the ambulance without any sign of urgency?

Isn't it odd they didn't do CPR on the scene or check his vitals, just threw him on the gurney and hurriedly put him in the ambulance...who called 911 anyway?

Isn't it odd that Chauvin's neighbors never knew he was an officer. They stated they never saw him wearing a uniform coming and going. Never saw him occasionally drive his cruiser home like most cops do?

Isn't it odd that there is no proof that Floyd was choked out just for being black? Yet the media were more than anxious to pounce and push the narrative, knowing the public would follow, causing a race war?

Isn't it VERY odd that a cop started the riots? Thank goodness for an ex who outed him.

Isn't it odd that nearly everyone who was arrested for rioting and looting were from out of state?

Isn't it odd that the National Guard was not brought in earlier, that Dem mayors and governors didn't take action to get these riots under control immediately? They seemed to allow it only setting late night curfews after the fact, which did what? Nothing!

Isn't it odd that these staged events only happen in Democrat run cities?

Isn't it odd that pallets of bricks and 2x4s just happened to be sitting around in non construction areas?

Isn't it odd that this "racist" narrative happened shortly after Biden's racist comment recently?

Isn't it odd that this happened just as COVID loses traction and social distancing SUDDENLY flew out the window?

Isn't it odd that these well organized riots started right when businesses were starting back up, which would have revived the economy?

Isn't it odd that COVID happened the moment the impeachment failed?

Isn't it odd the impeachment happened the moment that Russian hoax failed?

Is it coincidence that Hillary and Rosenstein are supposed to testify this week?

Is there a pattern here?
Are we being played?
Is there a bigger strategy?

It's still a tragedy, BUT QUESTION EVERYTHING and don't forget, it's an election year! Coincidence?